26th of JanuaryIn Rome on the 29th October 2004, the treaty that established a European Constitution was signed by government representatives; a binding treaty for all member countries that will have big repercussions in the lives of the inhabitants of EuropeAfter the dramatic historical stages that our Region has been through over the centuries; after wars, persecutions, discriminations, totalitarianisms and fanaticisms, the hour in which the peoples of Europe are coming together in a space of integration, not only economic, but also political and social has arrived. It must be pointed out, in addition, that this union has not been produced through the imposition of a military power, as happened in the past, but rather, it is wanted by the peoples that are looking to join together in a common project.Europe is ripe for a Constitution that, inspired by the profound humanist roots of our culture, can sustain the construction of a Europe based on solidarity, pluralism, tolerance and non-violence: a Europe that makes a contribution to the Universal Human Nation.Precisely because of the historical importance of such a constitution, it is not acceptable to the active and critical participation of Europeans, to the ideal of a region of peace, solidarity and equality; simplifications and accelerations that introduce “Trojan horses”, forms and contents that are very far from real democracy.The interesting point of the preamble that recognises the “humanist heritage” of Europe, is not sufficient if this concept is not extended and impregnating every article of the Treaty and above all if it is not transformed into real democracy.The process of ratification of the Constitution is being made through general disinformation of the people and with forms and criteria that are very different in the various countries of Europe: in Hungary, for example, it has already been approved by Parliament last December without popular participation; others, like Italy, Germany or Austria are using this process on different dates; finally in others, like Spain, Portugal, France and the Czech Republic there will be referenda on different dates (the first is Spain on the 20th of February).On the other hand, to have to vote “yes” or “no” to the totality of a text that is as complicated as this, without the possibility of any other choices and without information, does not constitute an example of “real democracy” but rather is blackmail and a trap of “formal democracy”. This is the way governments work, allowing particular groups (banks, arms traders and financial speculators) to get rich protecting themselves in the approval of the Constitution. We denounce the disinformation about the text of the Treaty that contrasts with the exhaustive information and teaching campaign that has been developed by the aforementioned institutions with vigour prior to entry into the Euro.As the European Humanist Regional we propose an information campaign that denounces in all countries of Europe (and not only in those that will have a referendum) based on four points:We want a real European Constitution, with strong and coherent humanist references. A constitution that affirms the values of peace, solidarity, tolerance and non-violence, not only in its preamble but throughout. And we want a Charter of Fundamental Rights that is not subsequently emptied of its contents.We denounce the anti-humanist character of some of the contents of this text that, among others: Assures the supremacy of the European Central Bank above elected parliaments, strengthening a model that favours privatisation of public services and turns back previously won social advances in health and education. Has no commitment towards world peace because it does not expressly assume compliance with the resolutions of the United Nations.Demands European citizenship to the more than 20 million unprotected human beings in Europe, allowing them to enjoy fully the fundamental rights found in the Charter.We demand the holding of referenda in all member countries of the Union and not only in some of them. We propose to postpone the referenda that have already been fixed in the calendar, creating a common date to allow real and timely information about the Constitution and its consequences for the lives of the inhabitants of Europe.We do not accept the blackmail and trap of a “yes” or a “no” that is closed and without choices. For this, we propose a vote by thematic areas prior to the editing and final approval of the constitutional text.We invite all the Humanist Parties, democratic organisations, associations and all those people who recognise the ideals of a united Europe that is open to other cultures with solidarity and non-violence, to disseminate and organise initiatives to denounce and inform people using these four points.European Humanist Regional www.humanisteurope.org